“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

— John C. Maxwell

⇒ Leaders Set Goals

Do you consider yourself a leader?

Sometimes we associate leaders with high-profile, powerful positions. 

 • The CEO of a Company.

 • The Principal of a School.

 • The President of the United States

And yes, these people are leaders.  But you don’t have to be rich, famous, or powerful to be a leader.  You just need to be a person who leads.

Leaders are needed in all areas of life — in families, amongst friends, on teams, in the workplace, and on campus.

They’re the ones that open doors for others to follow and set the standards by which we live.

Leaders can possess a variety of different characteristics and personality traits.  They might be driven, intelligent, creative, hard-working, charismatic, or even domineering.  But the similarity that one can find amongst almost every leader…  THEY HAVE GOALS!

“You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way. Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.”

 —Michael Jordan

⇒ Fundamentals of Effective Goal Settingsteve jobs quotes

In goal setting, technique is everything!

When I hear people explain that they are having trouble with accomplishing their goals, it is usually because they started off wrong from the beginning.  They had bad goals.  I don’t mean the things they wanted were bad.  It’s just that they didn’t set their goals up for success.

A goal is more likely to be accomplished if it’s designed with these qualities in mind:





If your goal doesn’t satisfy these four requirements, you might run into some trouble along the way.   Over the next few posts, we’ll take a closer look at these characteristics that differentiate a good goal from a bad goal.

NEXT UP: How To Set Goals Quality #1: Make Your Goal Positive

Do you have any favorite goal-setting lessons, quotes, games, or activities that you use to teach goal-setting?  Maybe you know a great tip to help eager goal-setters reach their goals faster?  Leave your comments below!

I look forward to a great goal-setting discussion!


Request Your Complimentary: 'How To Set Goals' Workbook

Are you looking for great goal-setting lessons and leadership curriculum that you can use to teach the important principals of effective goal-setting to your leadership class? I'd like to send you a complimentary copy of 'How To Set Goals' - the workbook that has already helped 100s of leadership teachers effectively share the power of goal-setting with their students. I created this downloadable PDF with the busy leadership teacher in mind. It's edited and designed to be easy to print, easy to understand, and ready for immediate use in your personal goal-setting success and for use in your next leadership class. Enjoy!
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Russ Peak is recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities on youth leadership and motivation. Every on of Russ Peak’s programs is an incredible combination of award-winning entertainment skillfully blended with a powerful and motivational message that leaves the audience recharged, ready, and eager to take on their challenges. His most popular messages focus on character, leadership, goal setting, bullying, and drug awareness .