Ever seen one of those suspenseful scenes in a movie where the hero is climbing or hanging from a high place?
The hero’s sidekick watching the situation typically shouts, “Don’t look down!”
What happens? The hero looks down and gets freaked out from his fear of heights. To prevent the fear from taking over, the sidekick should have shouted, “Keep your eyes forward! You can do it! You’re almost there!”
Human beings tend to gravitate toward the direction in which we are focused. And, positivity is much more attractive than negativity. Leaders often emanate a positive energy that comes from knowing who they are, a focus on their vision, and the confidence they’re on the right path to success.
In that same manner…
If you design your goal declaring a negative aspect, it becomes the object of your focus. This can be self-defeating.
Positive Goal: “I will earn a B or higher on my math final.”
Negative Goal: “I won’t fail my math test!”
– OR –
Positive Goal: “I will get along with my boss by showing respect at all times.”
Negative Goal: “I won’t let my boss get me mad, even if he acts like a jerk.”
When you frame your goal in a way, you will find yourself with a positive outlook and headed in the right direction to achieve the goal.
Do you have any favorite goal-setting lessons, quotes, games, or activities that you use to teach goal-setting? Maybe you know a great tip to help eager goal-setters reach their goals faster? Leave your comments below!
I look forward to a great goal-setting discussion!