
What Makes a Great Leader?

When you feel that resources are tight, stress levels are running high, your visions of success are blurring out and nothing seems to go according to your plan, you may find yourself easily giving up as a leader and watching your team sink. Take a deep breath, calm down, remind yourself of your leadership aspirations, and re-emphasize on these key qualities that make a great leader:

Honest and Committed

A true leader makes an exceptional leader, period. If you think a certain leader is great because he hid their latest loss from her team, or lied to them about why they underperformed on a certain task, you may want to reconsider. A leader’s team is a reflection of her own morals, so she needs to demonstrate an honest and ethical behavior to expect her team to follow suit. By implementing these values, an exceptional leader commits to ensure that all her teammates are on the same page of standards, and induces a professional and healthy environment to work in.

Farsighted and Expressive

The bleak difference between a good and a great leader is her farsightedness and self-expression. Setting a clear vision of future strategies and performance, and effectively communicating it to the team provides them with a sense of direction and effectively provides employees with an understanding of their roles, responsibilities and conduct. A great leader always stays a step ahead of time and tends to forecast her team’s future success and pitfalls in order to prepare and act accordingly, while taking her team into confidence and keeping them updated with any future plans and strategic changes.

Inspirational and Motivating

Ever been in a situation where you lost all hopes of being successful and needed someone to look up to for inspiration? A great leader does just that! Like a captain goes all out to rescue his sinking ship, a true leader stays composed through adverse situations to keep the team spirits high and boost their morale. Reminding the team members of their achievements uplifts their self-motivation and encourages them to aim higher and perform at a next level.

Confident and Demonstrates a Positive Attitude

There may be nothing worse than being led by a pessimist. A leader has to display a positive attitude in order to steer her team into the right direction. Keep your confidence level high, and reassure everyone that hindrances are normal, and to maintain their focus on the ultimate goal. A calm and confident leader keeps her team from feeling overwhelmed under pressure. Observe a certain level of damage control, reinforce the positivity into your team, and become an exceptional leader by keeping everyone working and moving forward.

Creative and Humorous

While these two qualities may rank last on the list, they are equally essential to have to be an inspirational leader. While a leader’s creative flair can make or break her team, humor makes her see the lighter side of things during a crisis and as your team takes the cue from you, it will keep their moods uplifted and expectations high. As a leader, many of your decisions may not be clear-cut and might force you to be flexible around your set course of action and step out of your comfort zone. Creativity becomes vital in such situations and enables a leader to think outside the box and weigh her choices before arriving at a final decision.